Creative Product
If you are creative or crafty in a different way than crochet or knitting, and would like something you have created to be included in a Cariad Blanket Box please get in contact.
The Cariad Blanket Project is a not for profit project, and is registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. The project relies on the goodness of amazing crafters up and down the country who create blankets and other items to be included in Cariad Blanket Boxes or used at workshops. All money given to the project as a donation, is spent on project related costs, such as postage and packaging for the boxes and workshop related costs. When The Cariad Blanket Project online shop launches all profits from this will also be used to fund the project.
Your Social Media Stream
It would be great to reach as many people as possible with this project, and give all those who need support the opportunity to hear about the project. You can help by spreading the word, either by physically talking to others or by sharing about us on your social media. We have created images that can be shared on your Social Media, or you can share one of our social media posts – we are on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Do you love crafting and creating in the way that you do, and think that others would enjoy it to? Would you be comfortable teaching others how to create either in a virtual setting, either in a small or big group? If the answer to these is yes please consider sharing your expertise as part of the teaching side of the project.