Cwtch Classes Booking Form

Cwtch Classes are free to attend, but you must book your space via the form below.

There are 8 spaces available for each group, please indicate on the form which group you would like to attend. If we do not get a high enough number for each group we may need to merge the classes. The dates for each class are listed below.

Glenwood Wellbeing Space, Llanederyn, 10 - 11:30am

Friday 31st January

Friday 7th February

Friday 14th February

Friday 21st February

Friday 7th March

Friday 14th March

The Table Community Cafe, Cathays, 10 - 11:30am

Tuesday 4th February

Tuesday 11th February

Tuesday 18th February

Tuesday 4th March

Tuesday 11th March

Tuesday 18th March

Before the classes commence we will send you a Cariad Blanket Box care package, which includes a blanket for your baby, treats and a note of encouragement for you. It will also inclued a welcome letter with information about the course, and if you’d like we can also contact you via phone prior to attendance if required.

All information provided on the below form will be stored in accordance to The Cariad Blanket Project’s privacy policy.